In the realm of vision correction, LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) stands out as a popular and effective procedure. Yet, despite its widespread success, LASIK has not escaped the shadow of myths and misconceptions. These myths can sow doubts in the minds of those considering getting the best LASIK in Kansas City. In this article, we will debunk common LASIK myths, shedding light on the facts to help you make an informed decision about this transformative procedure.

What is LASIK?

Let’s start with the basics. LASIK is a refractive surgery designed to correct common vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The procedure involves reshaping the cornea, the eye’s front surface, to improve how light enters the eye, thereby enhancing vision. LASIK has gained immense popularity for its ability to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses, offering newfound freedom and clarity to countless individuals.

Myth #1 – LASIK is Painful

One of the most enduring LASIK myths is the belief that the procedure is excruciatingly painful. In reality, LASIK is far from a painful experience. Before the surgery begins, numbing eye drops are administered to ensure you don’t feel any discomfort. During the procedure, some pressure may be felt, but it is typically described as minimal, and any discomfort is brief. Most patients report little to no pain during or after LASIK.

Myth #2 – LASIK is Not Safe

Safety concerns surrounding LASIK have been perpetuated by myths, but the facts tell a different story. LASIK has a remarkable safety record, with millions of successful procedures performed worldwide. Rigorous testing, extensive research, and FDA approval all contribute to the procedure’s safety. Complications are rare, and the majority of patients experience improved vision without issues.

Myth #3 – LASIK is Expensive

The belief that LASIK is prohibitively expensive often deters potential candidates. While LASIK does have an upfront cost, it’s essential to consider the long-term savings. Glasses and contact lenses require ongoing expenses for replacements, prescription updates, and cleaning supplies. Over time, these costs can add up, making LASIK a cost-effective choice for many individuals.

Myth #4 – LASIK is Not Covered by Insurance

Another common question: is LASIK covered by insurance? In general, LASIK is considered an elective procedure and may not be covered by standard health insurance plans. However, some vision insurance plans or flexible spending accounts may provide coverage or financing options for LASIK. It’s worth exploring these possibilities to make LASIK more accessible.

Myth #5 – LASIK is Only for Young People

LASIK is not exclusive to young individuals seeking vision correction. People of various ages, from young adults to seniors, have benefited from LASIK. The suitability for LASIK depends on individual eye health and vision needs, rather than age.

Myth #6 – LASIK Results are Temporary

Contrary to the myth that LASIK results are short-lived, the reality is that LASIK often provides long-lasting vision improvement. Many patients enjoy clear vision for years or even decades after the procedure. While age-related vision changes may occur, LASIK’s impact endures for a substantial period.

Myth #7 – Anyone Can Get LASIK

LASIK is not a one-size-fits-all solution. To determine LASIK candidacy, a comprehensive eye exam and suitability assessments are crucial. Factors such as corneal thickness, eye health, and prescription must be evaluated. A qualified eye care professional can determine if LASIK is the right choice for an individual.

Fact – LASIK Can Transform Lives

Beyond dispelling myths, it’s important to highlight the transformative power of LASIK. Countless individuals have experienced improved vision and enhanced quality of life through LASIK. From enjoying outdoor activities without the hassle of glasses to waking up to clear vision each day, LASIK has positively impacted lives in numerous ways.

The Consultation Process

Now that we’ve dispelled common myths about LASIK, let’s delve into the critical first step in your LASIK journey: the consultation process. This step is crucial in determining your candidacy for LASIK and understanding what to expect from the procedure.

During your LASIK consultation, you’ll meet with an experienced eye care professional, typically an ophthalmologist or LASIK surgeon. Here’s what you can expect during this informative session:

  • Comprehensive Eye Exam: The consultation begins with a comprehensive eye examination. This examination assesses your overall eye health and checks for conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, or dry eye syndrome. It also evaluates the refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism) that LASIK can correct.
  • Candidacy Assessment: Based on the results of your eye exam, the eye care professional will determine if you are a suitable candidate for LASIK. Factors such as corneal thickness, prescription stability, and general eye health are considered. Keep in mind that not everyone may be eligible for LASIK, but there are alternative vision correction procedures available.
  • Discussion of LASIK Procedure: If you are a good candidate for LASIK, the eye care professional will explain the LASIK procedure in detail. They will address any questions or concerns you may have about the surgery, recovery, and potential risks. It’s essential to ask any questions during this session to ensure you have a clear understanding of the procedure.
  • Customized Treatment Plan: Your LASIK surgeon will create a customized treatment plan tailored to your specific vision needs. This plan will outline the laser settings and adjustments required to achieve optimal results. Personalized LASIK enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Pre-operative Instructions: Before your LASIK surgery, you’ll receive detailed pre-operative instructions. These instructions may include guidelines on discontinuing contact lens use, avoiding makeup or lotions on the day of surgery, and arranging transportation to and from the LASIK center.
  • Addressing Concerns: If you have concerns about pain, anesthesia, or any other aspect of LASIK, this is the time to discuss them with your surgeon. They will provide reassurance and clarify any misconceptions to ensure you feel comfortable and confident in your decision.
  • Financial Discussion: The consultation is also an opportunity to discuss the cost of LASIK and explore financing options. While LASIK is an investment in your visual freedom, understanding the financial aspect is essential for planning.


In conclusion, LASIK is a safe, effective, and life-changing procedure that has the potential to free you from the constraints of glasses and contact lenses. While myths may persist, the facts overwhelmingly support LASIK as a viable option for vision correction. To make an informed decision about LASIK, consult with a qualified eye care professional who can address your specific needs and provide accurate information. Don’t let myths cloud your vision of a brighter, glasses-free future.